Monday, September 22, 2008

Book Report #1

Book Report #1

English 9: Level 1
Counts as: Test Grade
Due Dates: Monday/Tuesday, October 20/21 (whichever we meet)
Book Type: Choice APPROVED Novels not pre-approved will be subject to major point deductions. Must be at least 175 pages.
Assignment: Select one project from the provided list.
Late Work: Follows late policy (-10 points/day—three days max.)
Cheating/Plagiarism: A zero on the paper/project, a call to your parent(s) or guardian, and your name submitted to the administration.

You must complete one of the following projects for your book report. Make sure you complete all required components of the project you choose to avoid point deductions. Going above and beyond what is stated is always acceptable and graded accordingly. All projects are individual projects unless noted. If you have any questions regarding the directions, see me. Remember, this is a test-level assignment, and it will be graded as such.

Download the Book Report Instructions:

In case that doesn't work, try this:

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