Sunday, December 7, 2008

"Memento Mori"

"Memento Mori"

"Memento Mori" by Jonathan Nolan is the last short story we will read before the test. It's a cool story, but you have to pay attention as you're reading, or you'll be very, very confused. We'll be discussing it in class later this week. You can access the story on the web at

Point of view is an important feature of the style of this story. Remember:

First Person: "I did this..."
Second Person: "You did this..."
Third Person: "He did this..." or "They did this..."
Third Person can be
Omniscient: The narrator knows what all characters are thinking.
Limited: The narrator only knows what one person is thinking.
Dramatic/Objective: The narrator doesn't know what anyone's thinking; all that is known is due to actions, speech, and observations.

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